Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
I like to watch sports on TV. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. But I almost always turn off the TV or change the channel when the game is over. I don’t stick around to watch the post game wrap up. Even after the Super Bowl, my attention is diverted elsewhere. What is it about the post-game that is so uninteresting? Well, for starters, I just watched the game. Do I need to hear again about the game I just watched? Second, the commentary is often mundane and repetitious. There just isn’t much to say that could match the excitement of the game we just saw. Nope, I don’t stick around for the post-game.
In case you missed it, we just celebrated Easter. In fact, we’re only a few days post-Easter. What a day, what a week that was! Palm Sunday, the triumphant yet paradoxical entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday and the drama of the Last Supper, the arrest and kangaroo court. Good Friday, the shouting, spitting and horrible torture of the Son of God. His death and burial followed. Then, the big show, the game of all history, the glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. What a day! The excitement, the pageantry, the light and life of Jesus. Does it get any better than this?
But now what? Post-game wrap up? Recap the events? Are we gonna stick around or change the channel? Some of the disciples decided that they were going to hit the road, maybe to beat the traffic. They started walking along the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-35) With downcast eyes and heavy hearts, they commiserate as they walk. Then, the star quarterback, Jesus, shows up and walks along with them. But he’s out of uniform so they don’t recognize him. They recount the game to him, how they’d hope they would win, but it looks like they lost. Jesus, knowing that they weren’t planning on sticking around, begins to recount the whole game to them. The big picture, the whole tournament, not just one game. In the immortal words of any infomercial “But wait, there’s more!”
Easter day may be over. But don’t change the channel yet. We’re reminded in Hebrews that we should not neglect gathering together and we should gather together all the more, as the last days approach. In other words, “But wait, there’s more!” Stick around for the post game wrap up. Go back or come back to church next week. There’s more to this tournament called the Christian life than a one game event. And talk with any person, particularly one who is a professional at a sport and they’ll tell you that it takes practice, repetition, dedication and hard work to play the game. And in this game, you’re not just a fan, you’re a first-stringer.
Heavenly Father, stir up in our hearts the Holy Spirit so that we, with faith and endurance, will stick around for the post-game and the next round of the tournament. Thank you for the gift of faith and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
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