Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Matthew 9:37-38 The [Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Is it a pastor?

Is it someone who is well-schooled?

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Can you pick grain?

Can you pick grapes?

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Is it you?

To be a laborer requires no special skill. It requires no special schooling, training or ability. Laborers are required to have only one thing: willingness. Laborers are those who are willing to work. If you aren’t willing to work, you can’t be a laborer. Some laborers do have special skills, training, ability, but it’s not a requirement. Jesus tells his disciples to pray for more people who are simply willing to work in the field, God’s field, to bring in God’s harvest.

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Are you willing to share?

Are you willing to listen?

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Are you able to show them Jesus?

Are you willing to be patient?

Who is a laborer?

Is it you?

Will you put your hand to the plow?

Will you keep your eyes upon Jesus?

To those who labor, Jesus offers rest. To those who bear the burden, Jesus offers his yoke which is light. To labor does not mean that you must travel far away, knock on doors and tackle people with the 10 Commandments. There are many different laborers, but all sharing the load, carrying the burden as a joy.

May the Lord of the harvest strengthen you with His Spirit so that your days of labor may be a joy in His sight. Amen.

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